Join well known Magidei Shiurim, who are presenting clear and concise shiurim everyday throughout Crown Heights.
These shiurim will be mostly 1 perek Rambam, in the local shuls, mostly in the evenings between Mincha and Ma’ariv or right after Ma'ariv.
There is also a morning shiur for those who would rather learn Rambam in the morning.
The shiurim will be presented in a clear and concise manner on average usually within 25 minutes.
Shiurim are taught by well-known and talented rabbonim, mechanchim, and magidei shiurim.
The full list of the current magidei shiurim teaching Rabmbam are Rabbi Yosef Altein, Rabbi Mendel Bluming, Hatomim Mendel Cohen, Rabbi Mendel Groner, Harav Zalman Hertzl (Hebrew), Rabbi Yosef Losh, Rabbi Mendel Polter, Hatomim Mendel Potash, Rabbi Mishulovin/Rabbi Gerlitzky, Rabbi Levi Rapoport, Rabbi Sholom Ber Spielman, Rabbi Vishedsky/Rabbi Losofsky, Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, and Reb Michoel Zajac.
Are you a beginner, expert, or somewhere in between?
Not to worry! We offer a variety of shiurim by various talented magidei shiurim.
At, our mission is to bring to the public Rambam Shirurim that are entertaining, insightful, clear, and well-presented shiurim at various locations as well as online, on various levels.
Click here to listen to the Daily Rambam Podcasts
See bottom of page for local shiurim and timings
Click here to join the WhatsApp group to receive the daily Rambam Shiurim
As is known, one of the projects that the Rebbe instituted that was of great importance and very much valued by the Rebbe, was the daily learning of the Rambam. Besides the actual inyan of learning כל התורה כולה, the Rebbe mentioned the many blessings connected to learning the Rambam daily.
As per the Rebbe's wishes that Rambam should be studied specifically 'berabim' in a public shiur and בכל מקום ומקום, in every place.
Local and Worldwide Online -
BH we are happy to announce that there will be available for the local community in crown heights and online a few Rambam Shiurim from well known magidei shiurim, which have experience in teaching and also have the depth and knowledge to present a clear, insightful and entertaining Daily Rambam Shiur.
Clear and Concise Shiurim -
These shiurim will be mainly 1 perek Rambam, in the local shuls, mostly in the evenings between mincha and maariv or right after maariv. There's also a morning shiur for those who would rather learn Rambam on the morning. The shiurim will be presented in a clear and concise manner on average usually within 25 minutes.
Timings of Shiurim -
The actual updated timing and places will be posted on and the WhatsApp group.
3 Perakim Rambam -
BH there will be a 3 perakim Rambam English Shiur by t he well known mechanech Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz, be"h will be in 770, in the front, daily at 8:30 pm starting this coming Monday night כא תמוז.
Start Your New Day With Rambam -
Another important aspect is that the shiurim will be at night, already into the next day, and so will actually be for the following day Rambam. So what a better way to start your day, knowing you already learned that day's Rambam in a clear, concise and well understood manner and 'berabim' as the Rebbe requested.
May the learning of the daily Rambam bring many brachos to all and with the ultimate bracha..
ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה'
We will update website with timings of the shiurim..
If you may be interested in giving a shiur Rambam or if you know of a shul that could benefit from a Rambam Shiur, please let us know, text or WhatsApp Avrohom Rotban 718-600-8211 or email us at
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